Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas Movies

I'm recovering from a small physcial inconvience and have decided to watch all the holiday movies I'm able to during this period. So, I've saddled up with the regular run of holiday fare which includes:

1. Dr,. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey
2. Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase
3. Miracle on 34th Street with Natalie Woods
4. A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart
5. Trains, Planes and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy
6. White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye
7. A Christmas Carol with the best Scrooge ever Alastair Sim
8. Nightmare Before Christmas
9. Home Alone
and (drum roll, please) ……….. The Christmas Story

Now, there's not much on the list above we don't all watch year after year, so I decided to look around and found the following, many which I've never heard of, but I'm going to try to locate and watch. Here's a list you might check out:

1. Meet John Doe with Barbara Stanwick
2. It Happened On 5th Avenue with Don DeFore
3. The Lemon Drop Kid with Bob Hope
4. Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Clause with (believe or not) Charles Bronson
5. Christmas Holiday with Gene Kelly
6. Home For The Holidays with Holly Hunter
7. 29th Street with Danny Aiello

Okay, that might be enough to see me through a few days of sitting in bed, but if you've got something you think I just have to see let me know.
Thanks and my best wishes for your holiday season.